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One of the fastest-growing illnesses is “cancer.” Cancer is the second most common cause of death in India also. Breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, gastric cancer and cervical cancer are the most common cancers affecting to population. 4R Consultancy company limited is one the best and prestigious medical assistance companies associated with a group of leading oncologists, onco surgeons, top-class medical hospitals that work dedicatedly for the cancer patient. Cancer is not just one particular disease; it is a collection of more than a hundred diseases; because of the growth of abnormal cells in our body. In many cancer types, there are some common characteristics. For treatment of any cancer, the type depends on the investigation, stage of cancer, age, genetic structure, health condition, etc. Early detection can help save lives. India is doing miraculous studies in cancer treatments with advanced research and well-trained doctors.

Below is some Cancer/ Oncology treatments list with detailed information:

Below are some Tele treatments list with detailed information:

Lung Cancer Surgery

Liver Transplant and Biliary Sciences