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Diabetes mellitus is metabolic disease that causes high blood sugar. It is a serious disease and if it left with untreated for long time it can cause consequential health issues including, including eye disorders and blindness, heart disease, stoke, kidney failure, nerve damage, pregnancy effects, etc. In 2019, approximately 463 million adults, age of 20-79 years were living with diabetes mellitus. Diabetes type 2 proportion is increasing in many countries.
Diabetes is also called as “Mother of all disease”. Now diabetes is curable. Shinon HBG offers best diabetic surgery with affordable cost in India. Diabetes is permanently cured by metabolic or bariatric surgery. Sleeve gastrectomy surgery is a metabolic surgery acts on weight loss and calorie restriction. Weight loss surgery shows best result in controlling the glucose level. Diabetic surgery sleeve gastrectomy or SGIT includes the reduction of size of stomach to avoid certain section that produces a hormone called Ghrelin. This reduces the intake of food.

Below are some Tele treatments list with detailed information: